This article implements some combinatorial properties of the Fibonacci word and generalizations that can be generated from the iteration of a morphism between languages. Some graphic properties of the fractal curve are associated with these words; the curves can be generated from drawing rules similar to those used in L-systems. Simple changes to the programs generate other interesting curves.
1. Introduction
The infinite Fibonacci word,
is certainly one of the most studied words in the field of combinatorics on words [1–4]. It is the archetype of a Sturmian word [5]. The word can be associated with a fractal curve with combinatorial properties [6–7].
This article implements Mathematica programs to generate curves from and a set of drawing rules. These rules are similar to those used in L-systems.
The outline of this article is as follows. Section 2 recalls some definitions and ideas of combinatorics on words. Section 3 introduces the Fibonacci word, its fractal curve, and a family of words whose limit is the Fibonacci word fractal. Finally, Section 4 generalizes the Fibonacci word and its Fibonacci word fractal.
2. Definitions and Notation
The terminology and notation are mainly those of [5] and [8]. Let be a finite alphabet, whose elements are called symbols. A word over
is a finite sequence of symbols from
. The set of all words over
, that is, the free monoid generated by
, is denoted by
. The identity element
is called the empty word. For any word
denotes its length, that is, the number of symbols occurring in
. The length of
is taken to be zero. If
, then
denotes the number of occurrences of
For two words and
, denote by
the concatenation of the two words, that is,
. If
, then
; moreover, by
denote the word
times). A word
is a subword (or factor) of
if there exist
such that
. If
, then
is called a prefix of
; if
, then
is called a suffix of
The reversal of a word is the word
. A word
is a palindrome if
An infinite word over is a map
, written as
. The set of all infinite words over
is denoted by
Example 1
The word , where
is a prime number and
otherwise, is an example of an infinite word. The word
is called the characteristic sequence of the prime numbers. Here are the first 50 terms of
Definition 1
There is a special class of words with many remarkable properties, the so-called Sturmian words. These words admit several equivalent definitions (see, e.g. [5], [8]).
Definition 2

For example, .
Since for any Sturmian word, , Sturmian words have to be over two symbols. The word
in example 1 is not a Sturmian word because
Given two real numbers ,
irrational and
, define the infinite word
. The numbers
are the slope and the intercept, respectively. This word is called mechanical. The mechanical words are equivalent to Sturmian words [5]. As a special case,
gives the characteristic words.
Definition 3
On the other hand, note that every irrational has a unique continued fraction expansion
where each is a positive integer. Let
be an irrational number with
. To the directive sequence
, associate a sequence
of words defined by
Such a sequence of words is called a standard sequence. This sequence is related to characteristic words in the following way. Observe that, for any ,
is a prefix of
, which gives meaning to
as an infinite word. In fact, one can prove that each
is a prefix of
for all
3. Fibonacci Word and Its Fractal Curve
Definition 4

![]() |
(1) |
It is clear that , where
is the
Fibonacci number, recalling that the Fibonacci number
is defined by the recurrence relation
for all integer
and with initial values
. The infinite Fibonacci word
is a Sturmian word [5]; exactly,
, where
is the golden ratio.
Here are the first 50 terms of .
Definition 5
The Fibonacci word satisfies
for all
Here are the first nine finite Fibonacci words.
Definition 6
The following proposition summarizes some basic properties about the Fibonacci word.
Proposition 1
- The words 11 and 000 are not subwords of the Fibonacci word.
- Let
be the last two symbols of
. For
is even and
is odd.
- The concatenation of two successive Fibonacci words is almost commutative; that is,
have a common prefix of length
, for all
is a palindrome for all
- For all
, where
; that is,
exchanges the two last symbols of
The Fibonacci Word Fractal
The Fibonacci word can be associated with a curve using a drawing rule. A particular action follows on the symbol read (this is the same idea as that used in L-systems [9]). In this case, the drawing rule is called “the odd-even drawing rule” [7].
Definition 7

The program LShow is adapted from [10] to generate L-systems.
Figure 1 shows an L-system interpretation of the odd-even drawing rule.
Figure 1. Interpretation of the odd-even drawing rule.
Here are the curves for
The next proposition about properties of the curves and
comes directly from the properties of the Fibonacci word from Proposition 1. More properties can be found in [7].
Proposition 2
is composed only of segments of length 1 or 2.
- The number of turns in the
curve is the Fibonacci number
- The
curve is similar to the curve
- The curve
is symmetric.
- The
curve is composed of five curves:
, where
is the result of applying the odd-even drawing rule to the word
The next figure shows the curve and the five curves; here
Some Variations
The Fibonacci word and other words can be derived from the dense Fibonacci word, which was introduced in [7].
Definition 8
![]() |
(2) |
Given a drawing rule, the global angle is the sum of the successive angles generated by the word through the rule. With the natural drawing rule, ,
, then
For a drawing rule, the resulting angle of a word is the function
that gives the global angle. A morphism
preserves the resulting angle if for any word
; moreover, a morphism
inverts the resulting angle if for any word
The dense Fibonacci word is strongly linked to the Fibonacci word fractal because can generate a whole family of curves whose limit is the Fibonacci word fractal [7]. All that is needed is to apply a morphism to
that preserves or inverts the resulting angle.
Here are some examples.
Here are some examples with other angles.
4. Generalized Fibonacci Words and Fibonacci Word Fractals
This section introduces a generalization of the Fibonacci word and the Fibonacci word fractal [11].
Definition 9
The 2-Fibonacci word is the classical Fibonacci word. Here are the first six -Fibonacci words.
The following proposition relates the Fibonacci word to
Proposition 3
![]() |
(3) |
Definition 10
The -Fibonacci numbers are the Fibonacci numbers and the
-Fibonacci numbers are the Fibonacci numbers shifted by one. The following table shows the first terms in the sequences
and their reference numbers in the On-Line Encyclopedia of Sequences (OIES) [12].
Proposition 4
- The word 11 is not a subword of the
-Fibonacci word,
- Let
be the last two symbols of
. For
is even and
is odd,
- The concatenation of two successive
-Fibonacci words is almost commutative; that is,
have a common prefix of length
for all
is a palindrome for all
- For all
, where
Theorem 1
For the proof, see [11]. This theorem implies that -Fibonacci words are Sturmian words.
Note that
where is the golden ratio.
-Fibonacci Word Fractal
Definition 11

Here are the curves for
Proposition 5
- The Fibonacci fractal
is composed only of segments of length 1 or 2.
- The
curve is similar to the curve
- The
curve is composed of five curves:
- The
curve is symmetric.
- The scale factor between
Other Characteristic Words
This section applies the above ideas to generate new curves from characteristic words (see
Definition 3).
Conjecture 1
Here are seven examples.
The first author was partially supported by Universidad Sergio Arboleda under grant number USA-II-2012-14. The authors would like to thank Borut Jurčič-Zlobec from Ljubljana University for his help during the development of this article.
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[3] | W. Chuan, “Generating Fibonacci Words,” Fibonacci Quarterly, 33(2), 1995 pp. 104-112. |
[4] | F. Mignosi and G. Pirillo, “Repetitions in the Fibonacci Infinite Word,” RAIRO—Theoretical Informatics and Applications, 26(3), 1992 pp. 199-204. |
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[7] | A. Monnerot-Dumaine, “The Fibonacci Word Fractal,” preprint, 2009. |
[8] | J.-P. Allouche and J. Shallit, Automatic Sequences: Theory, Applications, Generalizations, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003. |
[9] | P. Prusinkiewicz and A. Lindenmayer, The Algorithmic Beauty of Plants, New York: Springer-Verlag, 1990. |
[10] | E. Weisstein. “Lindenmayer System” from Wolfram MathWorld—A Wolfram Web Resource. |
[11] | J. Ramírez, G. Rubiano, and R. de Castro, “A Generalization of the Fibonacci Word Fractal and the Fibonacci Snowflake,” 2013. arxiv:1212.1368v2. |
[12] | OEIS Foundation, Inc. “The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences.” (Aug 9, 2013) |
J. L. Ramírez and G. N. Rubiano, “Properties and Generalizations of the Fibonacci Word Fractal,” The Mathematica Journal, 2014. |
About the Authors
José L. Ramírez
Instituto de Matemáticas y sus Aplicaciones
Universidad Sergio Arboleda
Calle 74 no. 14 – 14 Bogotá, Colombia
Gustavo N. Rubiano
Departamento de Matemáticas
Universidad Nacional de Colombia
AA 14490, Bogotá, Colombia