Editorial Policy | Editorial Advisory Board | Ethics and Malpractice Statement
Editorial Policy
The Mathematica Journal publishes articles on all aspects of Mathematica. The goal of TMJ is to inform and excite the Mathematica community and to enable readers at all levels of proficiency to use Mathematica more effectively.
Each external submission to The Mathematica Journal is reviewed by persons from the Mathematica development community whose expertise most closely matches the topic of the submission.
Notebooks, packages, programs, and opinions presented and expressed in The Mathematica Journal are the products of the authors and do not necessarily represent or reflect the programming standards or positions of Wolfram Research, Inc.
Editorial Advisory Board
Steve Christensen (MathTensor, Inc.; Christensen and Associates, Inc.); Donald Knuth (Stanford University); Wolfram Koepf (University of Kassel); Silvio Levy (Mathematical Sciences Research Institute); Daniel Lichtblau (Wolfram Research, Inc.); David Lovelock (University of Arizona); Robert Moore (University of Washington, Seattle); Flip Phillips (Skidmore College); Bill Press (Harvard University); Sam Savage (University of Chicago); Dana Scott (Carnegie Mellon University); Lawrence M. Seiford (University of Michigan, Ann Arbor); Lynn Steen (St. Olaf College); Francis Sullivan (Institute for Defense Analyses); Michael Trott (Wolfram Research); Hal Varian (University of California, Berkeley); Eric W. Weisstein (Wolfram Research); Rob Wolff (Apple Inc.); and Stephen Wolfram (Wolfram Research)
Ethics and Malpractice Statement
The Mathematica Journal is committed to a high standard of ethics. Allegations of misconduct, plagiarism or poor research practices will be investigated and dealt with appropriately when a breach of publication ethics has occurred. The journal subscribes to a clear standard of authorship and uses The Chicago Manual of Style’s rules regarding citation. The Editor assigns single- and sometimes double-blind reviewers for each article and chooses from the Mathematica community to find able reviewers for each subject matter. The Mathematica community is of a suitable size to ensure that document authorship is reasonably assured. The journal reaches out to each author during the editing process to ensure original content ownership. Permissions must be obtained by the author prior to publication. We take care to ensure that published work is free from libelous or defamatory statements. The Editor has full editorial independence and is not subject to any political or commercial forces. Though The Mathematica Journal is owned by Wolfram Research, the journal’s commitment is to the quality of the code in the manuscript; as such, discoveries and research realized in the course of the work are supported fully by the editorial staff and the Mathematica community at large. Finally, papers submitted that are found to include false information or data will be returned to the author.